Visual Studio support for C/C++/C# is planned, as is VS Code support for C/C++, Java.

When downloading Workspace, please note to also download the Connector plugin (and vice versa). The Structure101 IDE connector plugin is currently available for IDEA and Eclipse (Java), and Eclipse CDT (C/C++). Structure101 Workspace is no longer embedded directly in the IDE but a standalone Electron-based application with a companion IDE "connector" plugin for navigating back and forth from source code to Structure Map. The Structure101 patched Clang binaries can be downloaded from here. Structure101 Clang support requires a patched version of the Clang compiler. Structure101 Build, Studio and Workspace now have direct support for C/C++ using Clang. Net directly and Javascript, Typescript, Python (via repository projects published from Structure101g Studio). Structure101 Workspace installers support C/C++, Java. Structure101 Studio and Structure101 Build installers are per programming language. Please read (before selecting your download below).