Refer to the Install "iClone Live Link Plug-in" into Unreal and Character Creator and iClone Auto Setup sections for more information. Other than processing skeletal mapping and bone renaming in Unreal, the CC & iClone Auto Setup automatically assigns digital human shaders from iClone characters to Unreal. You will see the iClone Live Link item in the Unreal Plug-in panel. The iClone Live Link plug-in provides IP setting for connecting iClone and Unreal, while the CC & iClone Auto Setup plug-in automatically maps the materials to optimize the render quality of the characters in Unreal. If you have correctly installed the iClone Live Link and CC & iClone Auto Setup plug-ins into Unreal, you will see the CC Setup and iClone Live Link buttons shown on the toolbar. Refer to the Install "Unreal Live Link Plug-in" into iClone section for more information. Select the Unreal Live Link in the sub-menu, the Unreal Live Link panel will pops up it is the main control panel in iClone that you can transfer selected items and establish The plug-in in iClone, the Unreal Live Link command
Unreal Live Link Plug-in: If you have correctly installed.
Installing Unreal Live Link Plugin Version 1.2 For iClone